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African Perspectives on The State of Blended Finance 2020


We invite you to join us virtually as we bring forward key perspectives from investors, deal sponsors and development practitioners from Africa, Tuesday, November 17th at 2:00 pm EAT.

The State of Blended Finance is Convergence’s annual report on the latest trends, opportunities and challenges in the blended finance market. During this event, Convergence will present highlights, historical trends, and our forecast for blended finance in Africa. In addition, we will welcome seasoned Executives in blended finance to share their perspectives on how to further scale the field to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the next decade.

We are proud to welcome the following speakers as panelists:

  • Janice Kotut, Managing Director PIDG Infrasolutions, Guarantco
  • Thelma Ekiyor, Managing Partner, SME.NG
  • Todd Micklewaite, Head of Alternatives Distribution, Sanlam Investments

The State of Blended Finance builds on the inaugural report released in July 2017. The State of Blended Finance 2020 includes input from Convergence’s 200 member institutions and other key market participants, and draws on data from Convergence's database of almost 600 historical transactions, and deals currently fundraising on its platform.

Date And Time

Tuesday, November 17th, 2020
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (GMT+00:00)

