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20 Dec 23

2023 State of Blended Finance now in Portuguese

Toronto, December 20, 2023 — “The 2023 State of Blended Finance is now available in Portuguese,” stated Joan Larrea, CEO of Convergence.

“As we expand our global membership in Brazil and grow domestic knowledge and capacity, we are pleased to collaborate with our friends Din4mo and TozziniFriere to shine a brighter light on blended finance,” Ms. Larrea continued.

The State of Blended Finance 2023 was released in the Fall. Translation of the report was carried out by Din4mo (long term partner of Convergence) and TozziniFreire.

“Stakeholders in Brazil and across LAC want to generate positive social and environmental impact,” said Marco Gorini, Co-founder & CEO of Din4mo. “We’re pleased to work with Convergence to broaden the accessibility of the evidence, analysis, and insights contained in the State of Blended Finance report to benefit the regional ecosystem.”

Convergence’s Historical Deals Database has recorded 171 blended transactions targeting Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), representing aggregate committed financing of $26 billion.

LAC is a popular region of interest where blended finance can play a pioneering role. Working alongside local governments to deploy catalytic capital into emerging segments and areas of competitiveness, blended finance can help pave the road for private capital.