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Innovative Financing for Peace: Finding new solutions to meet local peacebuilding needs

Hosted by the UN Peacebuilding Support Office, the German Federal Foreign Office, and the Republic of Colombia.

The financing landscape for peacebuilding, development and humanitarian affairs is increasingly diversified. While an array of innovative financing instruments for the mobilization of private funds – such as blended finance, impact bonds and guarantees – has become available, implementing such instruments towards peacebuilding efforts is particularly challenging in conflict-affected settings.

Join this event where our CEO Joan Larrea will moderate an expert roundtable on Blended Finance for Peacebuilding, with:

Mr. Bernt Brun, Vice President, Norfund

Ms. Fanta Conde, Deputy Head West Africa Advisory, CrossBoundary

Ms. Zodwa Mbele, Executive Manager, Development Bank of Southern Africa

Mr. Pontus Ohrstedt, Chief of the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office, Colombia

Mr. Jean-Philippe De Schrevel, Founder & Managing Partner, Bamboo Capital

Ms. Kruskaia Sierra-Escalante, Acting Director / Senior Manager, Blended Finance, International Finance Corporation

Date And Time

Tuesday, May 18th, 2021
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM (GMT+00:00)