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ASEAN Renewables: Opportunities and Challenges

International Energy Agency and Imperial College London

This report aims to improve financial transparency and provide more data pertaining to clean energy investments in ASEAN countries. The report clarifies the opportunities and barriers for private sector investors, as well as priorities and potential solutions for scaling up renewables investment. The report finds that average annual capital expenditures in the region in solar PV and wind power are amongst the lowest globally and private capital has accounted for only 60% of renewable power investment in Southeast Asia, compared to about 90% in advanced economies. Renewable power development in the region is also lagging from inadequate policy and investment frameworks. The report suggests that the ASEAN member states would benefit from better data and transparency around project-level financial performance, stronger regulatory frameworks, robust financial market frameworks for renewables and transition investments, enhanced role for DFIs and blended finance and greater access to risk hedging tools.

    15 Mar 23
    Policy and Research Reports
    Region Focus
    Southeast Asia
    Sector Focus
    Sub-Sector Focus
    Renewable Energy