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Innovative Development Finance Toolbox

Convergence, KfW Development Bank

Definitions and terminologies in innovative development finance often lack clarity, compounded by different views on what is considered “innovative development finance”. In addition, there are few case studies, stocktakings and evaluations, and limited guidance on specific InnoFins. Even “experienced financiers from (…) development finance institutions and private investors are feeling their way into an unfamiliar territory”. The purpose of this toolbox is – therefore – to support development finance practitioners, policy makers and other stakeholders within the field of IDF by providing an introduction into key concepts as well as further details on selected InnoFins.

The present Toolbox provides an overview of terminology and concepts in innovative development finance (Part II) as well as a categorisation of InnoFins according to their respective objectives and their use in different sectors (Part III). Part IV includes twelve factsheets which offer detailed information on InnoFin families that were selected based on priorities in German Financial Cooperation. The fact sheets provide key facts, outline basic structures, variations and identifies success factors and trends. They also provide an opinion with regard to the effect each InnoFin Family may have on key impact areas of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, namely on mobilising additional private capital, strengthening local capital markets and promoting debt sustainability.The toolbox has been developed as part of a broader assignment to take stock of international and German experiences in IDF and to identify priorities for German Development Cooperation in IDF.

    31 Oct 20
    Primers and Toolkits
    Region Focus
    Global, East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
    Sector Focus